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Judo uniform ( judogi )
The contestants shall wear judogi
complying with the following conditions:
- Strongly made in cotton or similar material, in good condition (without rent or tear). The material must not be so thick or so hard as to prevent the opponent from taking a grip.
- Blue in colour for the first contestant and white or off white for the second contestant.
- Acceptable markings:
- National Olympic abbreviation (on back of jacket).
- National Emblem (on left breast of jacket). Maximum size 100 square centimetres.
- Manufacturer's trade mark (on bottom-front of jacket and on bottom front of left leg of the trousers). Maximum size 25 square centimetres.
- Shoulder markings (from collar - across shoulder - down arm - both sides of jacket). Maximum length 25 centimetres and maximum width 5 centimetres.
- Indication of the placing (1st, 2nd, 3rd) at the Olympic Games or World Championships, in an area of 6cm x 10cm at the bottom front left side of the jacket.
- The contestant's name may be worn on the belt, uniform lower front top of the jacket and upper front top of the pants and must be a maximum of 3cm x 10cm. Also the contestant's name or abbreviation may be placed (printed or embroidered), above the National Olympic abbreviation, but in no case in a position to prevent an opponent from grasping the back of the jacket. The size of the letters is a maximum of 7cm high and the length of the name is a maximum of 30 cm. This rectangular area of 7 x 30 cm must be located at 3 cm under the collar of the jacket and the back identification must be fixed at 4 cm under this area.
- The jacket shall be long enough to cover the thighs and shall at a minimum reach to the fists when the arms are fully extended downwards at the sides of the body. The body of the jacket shall be worn with the left side crossed over the right and shall be wide enough to have a minimum overlap of 20 centimetres at the level of the bottom of the rib-cage. The sleeves of the jacket must reach to the wrist joint as a maximum and 5 centimetres above the wrist joint as a minimum. A space of 10-15 centimetres shall exist between the sleeve and the arm (inclusive of bandages), on the entire length of the sleeve.
- The trousers, free of any markings, shall be long enough to cover the legs and shall at a maximum reach to the ankle joint and at a minimum 5 centimetres above the ankle joint. A space of 10-15 centimetres shall exist between the trouser leg and the leg (inclusive of bandages) on the whole length of the trouser leg.
- A strong belt, 4 to 5cm wide, whose colour corresponds to the grade, shall be worn over the jacket at waist level and tied with a square knot tight enough to prevent the jacket from being too loose and long enough to go twice around the waist and leave 20 to 30cm protruding from each side of the knot when tied.
- Female contestants shall wear under the jacket either:
- a plain white or off white tee-shirt, with short sleeves, rather strong, long enough to be worn inside the trousers, or:-
- a plain white or off-white leotard with short sleeves.